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Donna’s Notes on the Trip So Far

May 21, 2015 11 Comments

Hi Guys! This is Donna – and for those of you who don’t know, I am Barry’s wife and the fourth member of this mad group of people doing this trip.

Donna Armstrong in Indonesia

Donna’s Thoughts While Loading Cars onto the Boat

For me this trip has been a whirlpool of emotions. Right from the start of leaving home. It has taken me so far out of my comfort zone on so many occasions that I’m not even sure what my comfort zone is anymore. The camping, the people, the heat, the food, the toilet facilities are just a few of the things that have been a real eye opener for me (I guess I could be called a princess ha ha). None of us have expected to have had the holdups that we have had in Indonesia. The people are just lovely with big smiles and hellos to us at all times. I have had more photos taken of myself than at any other time of my life. They don’t see many little fat white haired ladies around here very often, and as my family all know, I hate having my photo taken. Yuk. But they seem to want it.

Just a little story, on the cruise ship??? coming over here from Sumatra, when sleeping in the cabin of the captain (if you call him that) on the wooden floor, I reached out and found what I thought was a padded bar to rest my head on. It was quite comfortable until I realised it was the leg of one of the crew. I was embarrassed but the guy whom I had my head on didn’t seem to mind at all. This same trip had me doing my morning ablutions into a very small hole in the bottom of the boat with very little cover, almost none, and with the crew as an audience. You do what you have to do!!!

Even with all these trials and tribulations I wouldn’t change it. It makes life very interesting and if I can handle all these things that we have had to endure I will be able to handle anything to come in life. Ha ha!

However I hate hand washing, I want my washing machine… Princess Donna.

Filed in: Diary

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Comments (11)

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  1. Kevin Tucker says:

    I would have said unbelievable but then Barry / Alan !!!.

  2. Andrew Winter says:

    Hey Princess Donna. Great to hear from you. Doing great I see. What an adventure! Thinking of you and hoping you guys are safe always. Be well. xx

  3. Vic Watts says:

    Hi Princess
    You’re not the fourth member, you are no 1 my darling!

  4. Ken Johnson says:

    Hey Donna-you’re doing well. This trip will provide conversation “fodder” for you guys for the rest of your lives. From my sheltered existence here in Port Macq I am enjoying the trip too. Cheers

  5. Jane and Grant says:

    Really enjoying your blog, especially as it’s you and not me! We are currently just north of Townsville having free camped all the way from Brisbane with our Brisbane friends. Have caught lots of redclaw and 16 mud crabs so far. Doing lots of reading and relaxing. Hope to be in Cairns in about 5 days to meet up with some other Kedron people then it’s Cape Yorke, Weipa, Karumba and goodness knows where. Keep having fun and stay safe! xxxx

  6. Noni says:

    Hello dear neighbours….I did smile at this Donna…. what an amazing adventure. It certainly gives us all a reminder about the life we have and how we need to be thankful for all the gadgets but maybe also look at simplifying our lives!!!!!
    Look forward to the next instalment!!!!
    Noni…neighbour of a princess 🙂

  7. Donella says:

    Princess Mumma Bear!!!! This made me smile. You are a trooper to say the least and I’m really looking forward to seeing some of your dash cam footage 🙂
    Love you both and am happy to see you enjoying yourselves even with all of the trials and tribulations so far. xxx

  8. Beck Clarke says:

    Hey Donna great to hear from you on the blog. I just can’t imagine you doing the things you are doing you are one of the strongest people I know. I would love to have a chat on the phone with you, miss you loads. Let me know when is a good time to call. Love you x And love to the other 3.

  9. Elaine Wells says:

    Hi Donna,

    I love checking your blogs daily from the comfort of my Umina Beach home, while my washing machine merrily chugs away in the background. Sorry didn’t mean to rub it in! The stories about all your exciting, new and sometime scary adventures make great reading. Your were certainly not on the “MS Royal Princess Liner”. It certainly brings you back to earth when it only takes the simplest things in life to make people smile and you are right, those with the least smile the most. What if it costs a little extra Barry , it’s only money and you know what they say, “Money makes the world go round”. Hopefully by the time you read this you will be in Singapore and well on your way to China.
    Love you all and Stay Safe!

  10. Glen and Linda says:

    Enjoying your blogs and so very proud of you Donna. A trip of a lifetime.
    Lots of stories to tell and s many memories. Keep enjoying.
    We are in Cairns at the moment and meeting up with Grant and Jayne tomorrow for lunch.
    We then head towards Darwin and then across to WA.
    Our love to you all.

  11. Annie says:

    Ho Donna. Love your posts . Keep me coming. I like the girls perspective. I an sooo jealous. Xxxx say hi to all

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