Author Archive: Donna Armstrong
Latest Overview from Princess Mumma Bear

An Overview of my thoughts in the last few weeks (from the diary of Princess Mumma Bear). This is the first time in a very long time that I have been able to grab the computer off you know who. The only reason I can get it now is that we are staying in a […]
Coming or Going?

Hello everybody, The last two weeks have been a real emotional rollercoaster ride for me with more downs than ups I’m afraid to say. Starting, as you know from the blogs that Barry has posted, with our emergency call back home to Australia for the accident and death of our brother and brother in-law. The […]
Hi Peoples

It has been a long time since I, (Mumma Bear) have written anything. All the news has been told anyway. I had a lovely holiday back in Australia. It was so good to see everyone. We managed to surprise most of the people we saw and that was good fun. The luxuries were very easy […]
Mumma Bear’s Impressions of China

Hi Guys, It’s Mumma Bear here. I know it has been a very long time since I have posted anything. That is because someone very close to me hogs the computer. I can’t blame him though, because he has an addiction to IT. Every chance he gets he is sitting at it. There isn’t a […]
Hello from Princess Mumma Bear

Tuesday 26th May 2015 Hi guys! It’s Princess Mumma Bear, the name given to me by my beautiful daughter whom I miss terribly along with the rest of my amazing family. Barry and Alan tell most of the news so there isn’t much for me to talk about. As for the episode last night with […]
Donna’s Notes on the Trip So Far

Hi Guys! This is Donna – and for those of you who don’t know, I am Barry’s wife and the fourth member of this mad group of people doing this trip. For me this trip has been a whirlpool of emotions. Right from the start of leaving home. It has taken me so far out […]
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