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How Do I Describe China?

June 8, 2015 3 Comments

Monday, 8th June 2015


I really don’t know how to describe it, beautiful scenery, crazy drivers, cooler weather (now), and mountainous. People are so intrigued by us and our cars. We get the funniest looks all over the place. It can be difficult to communicate due to our language inability.

Chinese Rice Terraces

Rice Terraces – Spectacular Feature of the Chinese Landscape

Saturday we drove into the mountains and saw some spectacular rice terraces. Wow! What a site. Doesn’t take long and you take the awesome scenery for granted. We should have some great photos for the blog.

Yesterday we visited Confucius Temple. Was good to see – with some very old inscription 2,500 yrs old. We have seen some incredible places already. Just yesterday we went to a beautiful cave 6km long. There was full lighting throughout and walkways – an amazing attraction. Going to some water falls today.

The food does not suit Donna and myself so much, however the Taylors would eat anything! We are eating some, but rather western food. Seems like rice and noodles are the main dishes with vegetables and meat steamed up.

Chinese love blowing their car/truck horns all the time. They are very impatient drivers.

Our Guide, Green, has been incredible and explains as much as she can along the way – lovely young lady.

Donna and I are pretty tired. Our itinerary has been jammed up due to us being late to the Chinese border. Originally we had 10 spare lay days – that has been reduced to 3. Lots of driving and early mornings. Yesterday we clicked up 14,000 km in 12 weeks. We should be able to slow down once we’re into Mongolia and go at our own pace. We have been under pressure since we left trying to meet the Chinese border date. I think I speak for all of us: we are tired. And we are monitored by the Chinese authorities wherever we go.

The Ford Ranger seems to have most advantages:

  • Better fuel economy
  • Cheaper through toll gates
  • More room
  • Less collisions with other cars/bikes
  • More power
  • Less mechanical issues

Now of course Alan would have a different set of comments… let’s see what pops up. He did tow me yesterday due to our flat battery after leaving the head lights on for half a day. If I was thinking right I would have plug a lead in which connects the auxiliary battery to the main. Anyway he will use this as an advantage to the Cruiser.

Today we are heading further north west into China, the landscape is less mountainous and very dry – similar to Australia.

Until next time!

Filed in: Diary

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Comments (3)

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  1. Jim says:

    “Less Collisions with other cars/bikes” Yikes!

  2. David Pipes says:

    Hello all,
    Glad u made it to China ok. Sounds like its a big relief to you.
    We would like to let you know we are the proud Grandparents of
    Ayla May Pipes, a beautiful baby girl.
    Please let Lynn and the old fella know. Mum and baby doing fine.
    Angela says hello and wishes you well.
    Have a safe trip
    David and Angela

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