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Another Point for the Cruiser

April 29, 2015 1 Comment
Sape to Lape Sumbawa

Setting up Camp

Wednesday, 29th April 2015

We drove 270km on better roads, to near a place called Lape.

We refuelled on the way and I bought 101 litres to Barry’s 90 litres. Still getting 18 litres per 100km, but very close to Barry’s fancy-pants common rail direct injection etc. Mark up a point for the Cruiser!

A late afternoon fish snack at a café over the water was delicious. Barry and Donna aren’t up to street food yet, so they sat it out.

The camp spot was in an unused National Park, Malak, we think. Just at the base of the hills, just beyond the rice paddies. It was really damp underfoot, with inquisitive monkeys swinging in the trees.

Barry had put the rubbish bag from the cemetery stay on the roof of his car. At the time, he complained it was full of little brown ants, which bite. He forgot about dumping it and when they went to bed, the ants had migrated into the mattress and bit them to pieces! Donna and Barry slept in their car.

Filed in: Diary

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  1. Andrew Winter says:

    What! Barry doesnt like street food? You’re kidding aren’t you? Ha Ha tell him he should have packed a crate of Spam and Beans, would have been Kokoda all over again.
    Great to hear you are all well and make progress. Once you are in Singapore its all dry land from there I suppose. Easy Peasy!
    Best Wishes

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